Not All Past Relationships Have to Come Into Your New Season

Ivan Nyagatare
5 min readOct 9, 2024
“They may forget what you said, but they will never forget how you made them feel.” — Carl W. Buechner

Change is inevitable, but with every transition, one truth remains: not all relationships are meant to carry through every chapter of our lives.

As we move from one season to the next, we must realise that some connections might no longer belong in the story we’re writing, no matter how meaningful they once were.

This can be a difficult realisation, especially when we’re used to the comfort and familiarity of old relationships. But recognising when to let go can be one of the most profound acts of growth and self-care.

It’s human nature to cling to what is familiar, especially in relationships. Friends, partners, and acquaintances who have been there during pivotal moments can feel like emotional anchors.

We tell ourselves that longevity equates to loyalty and that ending a relationship — be it a friendship or a romantic bond — is a betrayal of sorts. But what we often fail to acknowledge is that holding onto every relationship can become an emotional burden.

Instead of anchors that stabilise us, these relationships can feel like weights pulling us backwards.

One of the toughest parts of personal growth is confronting the realisation that we are constantly changing. Our priorities, interests, and values shift with…



Ivan Nyagatare

I am a writer, educator, creator and entrepreneur. Focused on creating tech tools, content, books and courses to help you develop better perspectives.