Meet it. Accept it: The Power of Resilience and Acceptance.

We’ll inevitably have to deal with stressful events that test our mettle. There are few things in life more traumatic and upsetting than experiencing a loss of a loved one, a huge setback in our professions, or a health catastrophe.
The way we handle these difficulties, though, can determine our fate. “Meet it, Accept it” is a strategy that can help us get through these trying times. In the face of adversity, this straightforward method can help us strengthen our resolve and bring us inner calm.
The motto “Meet it, Accept it” exhorts us to stop avoiding problems and start dealing with them head-on. In spite of the challenges, we must remember that we have the inner fortitude to make it through.
This method is not about suppressing our emotions or acting as if nothing is wrong. Instead, we need to accept our feelings and muster the strength to carry on.
In the case of a chronic illness diagnosis, “Meet it, Accept it” might be seen in action. While this information may be distressing, it is necessary to face the truth of the situation and understand that moving forward will be challenging.
“What helps you persevere is your resilience and commitment.”
― Roy T. Bennett
The individual may take control of their disease and get the help they need once they accept the diagnosis for what it is. To do so, one must be ready to face the problem squarely and embrace the current state of affairs.
Another time when “Meet it, Accept it” is appropriate is after a major loss, like the passing of a loved one. In spite of how devastating the loss is, we must face the facts and accept the fact that the deceased is no longer with us.
“Resilience is accepting your new reality, even if it’s less good than the one you had before. You can fight it, you can do nothing but scream about what you’ve lost, or you can accept that and try to put together something that’s good.” ― Elizabeth Edwards
Once we come to terms with this fact, we can start grieving and looking for ways to remember the deceased. To do so, one must be ready to confront the anguish of loss and embrace the truth of the circumstances.
The “Meet it, Accept it” method does not require us to ignore our emotions or behave as though everything is fine. It’s about facing facts head-on and mustering the fortitude to proceed.
We can strengthen our ability to cope with adversity and achieve inner calm by opening ourselves up to our feelings and accepting the reality of our situations.
To take this approach, we must be willing to put ourselves out there and face our own anxieties and concerns. Finding lasting peace and healing in this way isn’t always simple, but it’s usually the best option.