Member-only story
How to Embrace Silent Strength
In the stillness after a storm, I found that my greatest power wasn't shouting back at the thunder but observing its passing.

For too long, I believed every emotion demanded an immediate outlet—that anger needed to be expressed, hurt required confrontation, and fear deserved an explanation.
I exhausted myself, becoming the perfect conductor for every emotional current that passed through me.
"Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response," Viktor Frankl once wrote.
These words became my lighthouse as I navigated the turbulent seas of my emotional reactions. I began to understand that this space, this precious moment of choice, was where my freedom resided.
What liberation I discovered in the practice of witnessing instead of reacting. When that familiar heat rises in my chest, I've learned to watch it like clouds drifting across my inner landscape.
Some days, the sky within me grows dark with thunderheads of frustration or disappointment. I acknowledge them now without needing to chase after each one.
As Eckhart Tolle reminds us, “You are not your mind. The instrument has taken you over.”